'Twas adventure racing time again, this time with one of my favourite teams, Lickety Split.
The weekend started with a fuel tanker that blocked the highway out of jozi, and Con swearing to never ever EVER go away on a weekend again.
But that was soon forgotten when we hit the open road and Adri took out pizza, cinnabon-ised muffins and cookies.
We arrived just in time for race briefing - then set up camp in
Mankele's camp site.
Race started early on Saturday morning with a quick run to a mini-waterfall - would have been quicker if the mankele singletrack was plotted on the maps, though ...
We than transitioned on a cycle-leg that took us on some of mankele's sweetest singletrack, hike-a-biking up koppies and bundu-bashing through Lantanas. Here's the team (sans the photographer) discussing route options before we left the tar ...
We found controls 3 & 4 quickly. Here's Adri and Will dragging a bike up to control 4.
Control 5 was easy to spot - the paths leading there, less so. Here's Con & Adri running up to the control.
It was a bit of hike-a-biking up to control 6.
We couldn't find control 6 anywhere (we later found out it was about a kilometer off where it was supposed to be) so we took a picture to proof that we were there:
On to control 7, but that one was also misplaced. We heard afterwards that some teams phone the organiser, who directed them to the correct control. Here's some bikes of other teams also searching for the control:
K, so by this time we lost a little enthusiasm and decided that while we're unofficial anyway, we might as well just go for the 'cool' controls. We purified some river water, then headed off to 7. Found it quickly (and where it was supposed to be) and then on to 8 via a sweet singletrack-detour.
Here's will taking a nap at the top of the mountain, just before we clipped control 8.
And then it was a serious downhill that left the bikes with scorching hot disks at the bottom.
The we searched a parking lot for a control that ended up being in a tree about 50 m from the parking lot :(
Here's Adri at the river crossing (where we heard that the last cycle leg was cancelled)
A quick cycle to the transition, and on to the next hiking leg. We decided to go for a finish and a braai, rather than collecting all the points - so only collected one next to a river, and one at the top of the downhill course. Here's the view from the top of the world:
... and here's the whole team at teh finish - just before the sprint to the swimming pool.