Glenn has been busy in Boven. The Forest Track, Rim Trail and Contour Path will stay favourites - but he added a playstation and fourcrosstrack, extended the Contour Path, added a few bridges to the Forest Track, and extended the Rimtrail till right in town - it's rough in sections, and big fun!
Here's Paul on the playstation:
more playstation-madness. there is a chicken-run for the less adventurous.
Swampdog Grant on the fourcross-track:
the masterbuilder and some swampdogs on the top part of the Rimtrail.
a bridge at the bottom of the RimTrail
The fun part of the Contour Path (everything of this path is the fun part, actually)
A rivercrossing just before the exit of the Contour Path
A bridge over a fence as you exit the Forest Trail (wheely strictly optional)